Mathieu Lebrun's Team


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Our Blog

You buy a house and wish to begin immediately renovation work?

It is not rare that the persons on the point to buy a property plan from the beginning to bring important improvements to this one. The insurance mortgage loan which offers the SCHL can, in this connection, help you to obtain…

Credit problems?

A word to show you how we can help you, you and yours.

You could be eligible in a mortgage loan, event if you went bankrupt, you have a short odds of credit or that you have no credit history.

That your…

Break the mortgage before term profitable despite the penalty?

Mortgage interest rates have declined significantly in recent years. In September 2009, it was possible to find in some institutions interest rate of 4% on a closed mortgage term of 5 years ... Never seen, but what about…

Mission: Finding a downpayment

One of the most common and stubborn beliefs among potential buyers is that they will never be able to save enough money for their downpayment and the different costs that come along with buying a property.

It is…

Don’t wait for your mortgage renewal to renovate your house!

Here is a situation where we could help you and yours.

Last year, Julie and Andrew dream’t of modernizing their kitchen and adding a solarium to the back of the house. Their mortgage didn’t come to renewal for…

Our Partners

  • CHIP
  • First National
  • Home Trust
  • Industrielle Alliance
  • Scotiabank
  • Simplici-T
  • TD Canada Trust
  • Desjardins
  • Merix
  • Lendwise
  • Genworth
  • Canada Guaranty