Mathieu Lebrun's Team


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Our Blog

What is CMHC mortgage insurance?

A mortgage loan provides you with the money you need to buy your home. Depending on the amount of money you have available for the purchase, you may be…

A five-star service completely free!

Working with Multi-prêts Hypothèques MR is like a smooth limousine ride. Trust our mortgage professionals to help you cross the road that leads to homeownership…

Good news, Stephanie is expecting another baby!

Here is an anecdote to show you how we can help you and your loved ones! Stephanie and Franck are the proud parents of Julie, a four-year old, and are awaiting their second child. Overjoyed, they want to give their family…

Impossible to find a mortgage with a bank?

A word to show you how we can help you, you and yours. You could be eligible in a mortgage loan, event if you went bankrupt, you have a short odds of credit or that you have no credit history. That your debt ratio is…

Which are expenses to be planned when buying a house

When the offer is accepted: Cost of the evaluation (freshly conventional SCHL or GE, $400 $) $________ Cost of the inspection (recommended) $________ Deposit(if required) $________ At the notary: Paid out…

Our Partners

  • CHIP
  • First National
  • Home Trust
  • Industrielle Alliance
  • Scotiabank
  • Simplici-T
  • TD Canada Trust
  • Desjardins
  • Merix
  • Lendwise
  • Genworth
  • Canada Guaranty